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Showing posts from September, 2022

The signs that a woman is likely to end up single, and lonely

 Stay away from these types!! 1. She values education and career over marriage and relationship. She’s always throwing statements like “Marriage isn’t an achievement” 2. At age 30+ she has more liquor in her refrigerator than fruits and vegetables. 3. She can take down more shots than any of her peers at 30+ who have kids 4. She’s into smoking cigarettes and addicted to weed. 5. Her idea of fun at age 30+ is a night out with the girls. 6. At age 30+ she still insists on only dating men based on what their career is. “He’s a lawyer” “He’s a doctor” “He’s an engineer” 7. The idea of cooking for a man is a total turn-off to her. 8. She has never forgiven her father for abusing her mother, or her first boyfriend used to abuse her and she now thinks every man is violent and controlling. 9. She is so much into fashion, and hair-styling she doesn’t want to be identified as being old in her circles 10. Her job involves a lot of travelling. 11. She can easily find a parking sp

The signs that a woman is likely to end up single, and lonely

 Stay away from these types!! 1. She values education and career over marriage and relationship. She’s always throwing statements like “Marriage isn’t an achievement” 2. At age 30+ she has more liquor in her refrigerator than fruits and vegetables. 3. She can take down more shots than any of her peers at 30+ who have kids 4. She’s into smoking cigarettes and addicted to weed. 5. Her idea of fun at age 30+ is a night out with the girls. 6. At age 30+ she still insists on only dating men based on what their career is. “He’s a lawyer” “He’s a doctor” “He’s an engineer” 7. The idea of cooking for a man is a total turn-off to her. 8. She has never forgiven her father for abusing her mother, or her first boyfriend used to abuse her and she now thinks every man is violent and controlling. 9. She is so much into fashion, and hair-styling she doesn’t want to be identified as being old in her circles 10. Her job involves a lot of travelling. 11. She can easily find a parking sp

5 important secrets you should never keep from your partner

In essence, it’s OK to cut down on openness in a relationship from 100% to somewhere in the region of 90% or so. And here’s the reason: some people really just can’t handle the truth. It does not make them bad people or bad partners; they're not just wired to be calm or stay sane in the face of certain revelations. There are some secrets that you should never hide from your partner especially when they could prove damaging to your relationship. Here are some of those secrets you should stop hiding: Your medical information When you get into a relationship, your medical history matters a lot. In fact, it’s one of the things that people use to decide if they’re willing to have something serious or whether someone’s medical state is too much for them to handle. You should let your partner know about chronic conditions like asthma because they will be the ones to help you when something happens. Other conditions like HIV/AIDS and STDs such as herpes need to be talked abou

9 Reasons You Should Drink Enough Water Every Morning

Drinking water every morning after waking up is very important and beneficial to the body. Water is the fuel that keeps the body hydrated from time to time. There is a limit to how long any human can go without water, even when he eats food consistently. 1. Aids body loss Research has it that taking water every morning burns calories in your body that cause body fat. Drinking water also reduces your cravings and hunger pangs. It also releases toxins that are healthy for your bowels. 2. It gives you radiant and flawless skin Do you desire radiant and flawless skin? Try taking water regularly, especially in the morning. Taking water helps your skin remain fresh and smooth. 3. It prevents heartburn Heartburn is usually caused by the release of some acids into the body. This is because of the acidity of your stomach. Taking water dilutes the acids and pushes them down to your stomach instead of your chest region.  4. It improves your metabolism You increase your metabolic

Why Men Shouldn't Marry Women Above 30

1.Firstly women over-30 have a lower fertility. If you want to build a family with these old donkeys be prepared to possibly have a downs syndrome child. 2. When you marry a 30+ woman, you’re marrying her 30+ penises she’s had over her long life on earth. She has more bodies than a grave yard. Women over-30 are very bitter from the wasted prime spent on failed relationships she hoped would lead to marriage. Now that you’re marrying her, she should be grateful, but she’s not. She’s always just angry By marrying a woman over 30+ you are investing everything in a rapidly depreciating pleasure provider that has already lost a lot of its aesthetic value… She will be wrinkled in the next 5 years and already having back problems. Many guys these days are marrying early 30’s women, and then, almost immediately – Bam!. It’s over almost before it began. Its because you are trying to make ancestors housewives. Leave these dinosaurs. Marrying an over-30 woman is like buying a used ca

Six ways to apologise to your partner

Offenses like cheating or emotional abuse are hard to forgive, so the best thing you can do Is to avoid these mistakes. For smaller offenses, forgiveness is a bit easier. To start, say you are sorry and make sure your attitude matches what you are saying. These are some ways to say sorry to someone you hurt. 1. Not waiting too long to apologise The best way to apologize is to apologize as soon as possible. There is a huge difference between saying you are sorry an hour after the offense and a week after it. If you wait longer, the seed of hatred is likely to grow in your spouse or partner which might lead to unforgiveness because by waiting too long to apologize, your partner has a long time to think about what you said and whether they even want to forgive you. 2. Show sincerity  When you have a clash, conflict, or fight with your partner, you need to show your partner that you will not make the same mistakes again. Most times, people understand when you make a mistak

Habits that kill relationships, better person in a relationship

Relationships are beautiful when they are established,  nurtured and built in the right way.    Quite a number of relationships have experienced premature death as a result of certain habits that partners do not pay attention to. There are certain things partners in a relationship do consciously or unconsciously that unknowing to them hampers the growth of their relationships.    Check out 5 habits that kills relationships and the way forward.   1. Unhealthy comparison    The number one killer of any relationship is unhealthy comparison.    To make any relationship work, you need to accept your partner for who they are. Whenever you compare your partner with another person, you are killing their self esteem and worth.   2. Choosing your parents over your partner    This is a sensitive matter and should be handled with utmost care.  No one can undermine the role and impact of our parents in our lives but regardless of this when it comes to deciding on whose interests shou


Without  good manners and etiquette, the world becomes a rude and chaotic mess. The importance of manners in life cannot be overstated, but I’d like to point out a few of the most powerful benefits.  1. INSTILLS CONFIDENCE We gain confidence by identifying the right thing to do in any given situation—and then doing it.  When you understand basic social manners, you know how to act appropriately, which helps alleviate doubt and self-consciousness. 2. MAKES THE BEST FIRST IMPRESSION First impressions are important. They set the stage for future relationships and opportunities. When you meet someone new, they don’t know anything about you. Naturally, assumptions are made based on how you carry yourself and behave—both in speech and manner. 3. OPENS DOORS TO OPPORTUNITIES Perhaps it’s a controversial opinion, but I believe good manners can open doors that even the best education cannot.  One of the many benefits of having good manners is the unforeseen, potentially life-chang

Things Guys Find Attractive in A Girl

We all wonder what makes us attractive to others. Girls, this one is for you! At the end of the day, every girl on this earth is beautiful in her own unique way! Even if they don’t admit it but men love it when women wear their oversized clothes because it makes them look adorable. Your smile. Men adore it when a girl smiles because of something he said or laughs at his jokes. Generally, women who smile all the time are more attractive to men. Your waist. Guys love to hold girls by their waist so this area holds a special place to them. Baby face? Yep, men love those chubby cheeks and round eyes! So good news, embrace your chubbiness. Most men actually dislike dyes and unnatural colors. So keep your hair in its natural state. Piercings and tattoos. Even though some men dislike piercings, most would say that they make a woman look edgier and sexier. Long legs. Doesn’t matter if you’re short because guys like it when girls are shorter than them. A short girl with long legs i

How to Be the Woman Every Man Wants to Marry

No matter how much we disapprove of this but it is still true, men see some women as “wife material” and others not so much. So you’ll ask “what makes the difference?”. To keep a guy devoted and help him know that you’re the only one for him, here’s how to be the woman every man wants to marry. Do nice things for him. Men are usually expected to do all the hard work of planning dates and getting gifts. A man would really appreciate it if you pamper him, give him genuine compliments and show him you appreciate him. Looks do matter, so look the part. You don’t always have to look picture-perfect, we all have our bad hair days, but men love it when you’re well put together and looking amazing. Show how much you support and believe in him. It matters a lot when a man feels that his woman trusts in him and his abilities instead of being distant or judging him. Don’t be clingy. Even after marriage, a couple will thrive if they maintain their own separate lives. Men appreciate

Keys to Becoming Your Best Self

There are countless ways of attaining greatness, but any road to reaching one’s maximum potential must be built on bedrock of respect for the individual, a commitment to excellence, and a rejection of mediocrity Ever since my childhood, I have always admired individuals, like Wilma Rudolph in the picture above, who were able to overcome daunting odds to become successful in life. Because of their diverse backgrounds, humble beginnings and daunting circumstances, I am enchanted by their personal stories that provide me and other readers, listeners and viewers of various platforms the evidence that there is nothing impossible with faith in God and faith in the strength of your human spirit. Although both of my parents had transitioned by the time I was 19, the most powerful gift they gave me was the strength to model a bulldog tenacity towards their challenges while maintaining a sense of personal excellence toward their working class positions. It was easy for me to understand

How can I Become a better person than others

You can also make yourself better than others each day because your faint is in your hands. You can turn it into bad dreams or you can turn it into good and sweet dreams. Here are the 6 best tips that make you better and different than the other people! 1:- Improve the reading habit daily up to 40 minutes minimum and 3 hours daily maximum. 2:- Without any type of practice you can never become perfect because without practice you don’t have the taste of anything. 3:- Try to learn something new every day and don’t think you would be perfect. 4:- Also prepare your mind to do that thing you don’t want to do. In this way, your body is still positive side. 5:- If you want to do something in a better way then you need to relax your mind because it also works hard for you daily and it also required a little bit of silence and peace once a day. 6:- If you want to learn something special then laugh at normal moments because it also added a lot of value to that thing.

7 Things You Shouldn’t Do To Your Kids

Children are known to be sensitive and sharp in reasoning and picking up sensitive information. You need to be aware that whatever your kids turn out to be in the near future is dependent on how you treat them. Parents need to be aware of the things they should avoid doing to their kids. This article will enlighten you on things you should avoid while raising your kids. 1. Comparing them with their friends The most dangerous harm you can do to your kid’s self esteem is to compare them with their friends. By doing this, you are showing them that you are using their friend’s success and achievements to gauge theirs. 2. Spending little quality time with them One of the things you should never do to your kids is to spend little or no time with them. Every kid needs to feel loved. 3. Calling them names  Name calling is not appropriate for your kids. Calling them names when they make mistakes or errors isn’t good for their mental development. Those names will continue to regis

Why Couples Are Sleeping in Separate Bedrooms

The case for getting a better night's sleep — without sacrificing sex or intimacy I always assumed it said bad things about my capacity for intimacy that I’ve often thought, should I one day make the grave error of moving in with a romantic partner, I would want us to have separate bedrooms. Most Times it because of bad manners, how the day went, little misunderstanding, quiet time, but to continue sleeping on a separate room all the time is definitely wrong, because  it turns out I’m not the only one whose romantic ideals center around plenty of space and solitude. Various books and articles about happily cohabitating partners who live together but sleep in separate bedrooms have begun popping up in recent years, and coronavirus lockdown conditions have done little to discourage the idea. With couples spending virtually every waking hour together amid the pandemic, alone time is becoming an increasingly scarce, valuable commodity in many relationships. And while t


Having a good mental health is very important and this can only be achieved if and when you pay close attention to the “little things” that may affect your health. In order to assist with that, we have rounded up four lifestyle changes that can be easily made to help boost your mental well-being. Give up alcohol Both men and women who were lifetime abstainers from alcohol have the highest level of mental well-being at the start of the study, according to studies. In addition, women who were moderate drinkers — defined as seven drinks or less per week — and who quit drinking during the study, benefited from a boost to their mental health, with levels of mental well-being close to those of lifetime abstainers within four years of quitting. Reduce time spent on social media With the rise of social media, many studies have looked into its effect on our mental health. A UK study, that surveyed 12,866 teens aged 13 to 16 found that checking one’s phone several times a day was as

Practices that help you stay happy

Staying happy is a personal decision we all have to make as “you and you alone” are the sole determinant of your happiness.    There are certain practices we can become intentional about doing that guarantee us happiness,  and discussed in this article are seven practices that can help you stay happy.   1. Smiling    In the words of Sri Chinmoy, smile, smile, smile at your mind as often as possible. Your smiling will considerably reduce your mind’s tearing tension.   Smiling is one of the best ways to stay happy. Even if circumstances around you are telling you otherwise, choose to smile.     2. Making some cool cash    “Life is sweet, oh when money enters, life is sweeter.” Money is said to be the answer to all things, happiness inclusive.    Money may not be able to buy happiness, but it has the capacity to provide you with things that can make you happy.    3. Avoid comparing yourself to others   Comparison is said to be the killer of joy. To stay happy in life, you

Four Common Mistakes That Can Cause An Explosion When Using A Gas Cooker

There are advantages to using gas to cook. There are also disadvantages that should not be overlooked. One such disadvantage is the possibility of a gas explosion. Using gas is one of the fastest means of cooking. While using gas, a lot of us forget to follow proper kitchen safety rules amid all the hurry, thereby making mistakes that might lead to a gas explosion. If you cook with gas at home, here are some things to avoid. 1. Putting the gas cylinder in the wrong place When it comes to positioning, there are a lot of things you need to think about because gas-related accidents and even deaths can be caused by putting things in the wrong place. To ensure safety when cooking with cooking gas, always keep your gas cylinder on a stable and firm surface, and place it vertically. When you place the gas cylinder vertically, the bottom of the cylinder would be on the surface, and the regulator side would be facing up. 2. Filling your gas tank to the brim Another mistake you sho

Check Out These 6 Ways To Maintain Healthy Skin

Your skin is the most important part of your body. This is because it is what people see first before any other part of your body. This is why you need to take care of your skin as much as possible. Proper skincare prevents aging and several skin diseases. However, you must take caution while taking necessary measures to have and maintain a very healthy skin. 1. Use appropriate skin care products You must first be aware of your skin type. There are different skin types: dry skin, oily skin, sensitive skin, and combination skin. It is important that you know your skin type in order to know the kind of skin products to use.  Your skin color also determines the kind of skin care products to use. A dark skinned person shouldn’t buy products meant for a  light skinned person.  Avoid using soaps that could remove body oils and cause skin dehydration. Using a strong detergent will only harm your body. If you have dry skin, make use of a moisturiser that suits your skin tone.

The best places in the world to eat a burger

Au Cheval, United States Bon Appétit magazine named Au Cheval's burger the “holy grail” of its menu items and the best burger in the United States. Au Cheval's creation is made with homemade bread, top-quality beef, a large pickle, and sauce. The meat to bread ratio is perfectly balanced with two patties in a regular burger and three in a double. The math is wrong, but the flavour is right. Bread Meats Bread, Scotland Bread Meats Bread's patty is made from three different cuts of aged Scottish beef and qualifies as a “veritable beef-bomb.” Well seasoned and ultra-juicy, its rather sweet flavours merge perfectly with the cheese and braised onions. Add a bit of vinegary contrast with a pickle and you've got a mouthwatering burger. Bunsen, Ireland Bunsen's menu is minimalist, featuring just a hamburger, double hamburger, cheeseburger, double cheeseburger, three types of fries, and three beverage options. That's it. The burger takes the simple route, too,

The best German cars ever made

Alpina B3 There has been an Alpina B3 for every generation of BMW 3 Series, with the tuning firm adding more than a sprinkle of extra performance. It all started with the B3 2.7 based on the E30 3 Series and since then these bespoke models have offered a subtle, fast alternative BMW’s own M3 models. Where Alpina has often found favour with buyers has been its ability to upgrade the 3 Series where BMW has not. Anyone who disappointed by the lack of an M3 Touring would soon find Alpina only too happy to build them a B3 Touring. Audi R8 Like the original TT, Audi took a concept car and turned it into a production reality with the R8. Its genesis was the Le Mans concept and the road car looked little changed. Its dramatic style put Audi right into contention with the Porsche 911 for title of most practical supercar as the first 4.2-litre V8 was and is very easy to live with and handling that flatters even very average drivers. The R8 V10 shares its engine with the Lamborghini

The most low-maintenance cars ever made Toyota Prius

The Toyota Prius hatchback, which the website Repair Pal says will cost you about $408 a year to maintain, is a great example of why hybrids can be cheaper to maintain than traditional gas-powered cars: they have a regenerative braking system built into the drivetrain, which means less wear and tear on the wheel brakes, so they won’t need replacing as often. Toyota Tacoma This midsized pickup truck is surprisingly cheap to maintain, at about $478 annually. The Tacoma has a well-known reputation for reliability, which makes it one of the more sought-after used vehicles out there, so not only will you pay less to keep one running, but you’ll get a better price when and if you choose to sell it. Toyota Yaris The subcompact hatchback with the funny name is the cheapest subcompact car to maintain, according to Repair Pal. You can expect to shell out an average of just $333 a year, and owners report that any issues the car does have tend to be small and easy to dia